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The Intelligent Investing Academy
Welcome (8:02)
The Right Mindset: The Key to Successful Investing (7:29)
How the program is designed (5:09)
Why the stock market? (4:35)
Module 1: Market Essentials
The Fundamentals of the Stock Market (9:49)
Why do Companies issue shares (5:22)
How to buy & sell your first stock (5:24)
How much money do you need to start investing (7:26)
Who can invest in the stock market (2:41)
Trading vs investing (5:10)
Module 2: Market Mechanics
Primary Market vs Secondary Market (4:45)
How Stock Prices Are Set (5:22)
Nasty strategies companies use to manipulate their stock prices (7:50)
How To Predict Stock Market's Next Move (8:55)
How Interest Rates Influences The Stock Market (11:02)
Why Stock prices Don't Mean Anything (2:34)
Module 3: Financial Statements
Introduction to Financial Statements (7:41)
Balance Sheet (19:37)
The Statement of Comprehensive Income (9:57)
Cashflow Statement (15:16)
Summary (3:03)
Module 4: Quantitative Analysis
Introduction to Quantitative Analysis (4:21)
How liquid is the company (5:20)
price to equity ratio (7:59)
Price to free cash flow (4:12)
The Easiest way to find undervalued stocks (3:32)
Debt to equity ratio (5:42)
Ratio Analysis (9:43)
Module 5: Psychology of The Market
Intelligent Investor's Approach To Investing (10:49)
How to Deal with Market Crushes (6:52)
How to React To Losses (5:58)
Why Time in The Market Always Wins Timing The Market (6:11)
Module 6: Existing Strategy
3 Reasons To Sell The Stock (8:11)
When you should NEVER sell your stocks (7:01)
The Rule of 4 Percent (8:15)
Module 7: Crafting Your Investment Strategy
The Art of Strategic Investing (6:28)
Determining your investing goals (8:40)
The Key To Strategic Investing (7:39)
Summary (3:36)
How to React To Losses
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